10 x 5: An Artist Talk featuring Artists with Disabilities

Kickstart Disability Arts and Culture is seeking BC visual artists that identify as living with a disability, for the possible inclusion in 10 x 5: An Artist Talk featuring Artists with Disabilities, an artist talk featuring 10 artists.

Selected artists will have 5 minutes to give a visual and oral presentation of their work.
Artists will be paid for there participation.

This event will take place on September 28th at CBC Studio 700, as part of BC Culture Days.

Kickstart is a Vancouver-based non-profit registered charity, founded in 1998, with a mandate to support and promote artists with disabilities. We do this by presenting professional work by artists with disabilities to public audiences, raising public awareness of their contribution to the arts, and paying the artists for their work.

Applications must include:

  • A resume which includes your name, address, phone, email, website.
  • A bio or statement that tells us something about yourself and being an artist.
  • 4 – 8 images of your work.
  • List of artworks submitted including the title, size, and medium.

Deadline for submissions is Friday, August 16.
Artists will be notified about the selection results by August 31st, 2019.

Submit your application via email
– email to: [email protected] and please put “10×5 application” in the subject line.

It is FREE to apply!

Please note that if you participated in this event last year, you are not eligible to apply this year. We want to make sure we give Artists we have not worked with before the opportunity.

Have any questions?
Contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone at 604-343-9141


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