The Creative Motivation You Need Right Now!

Kickstart Disability Arts & Culture Digital Workshop Series Presents, The Creative Motivation You Need Right Now!

Creativity and productivity are not always a constant in our lives and we can’t look at that as a negative. We all have different abilities and goals.

This presentation will be given by Anne Turner and Lisa Anita Wegner, two extraordinary women who live with invisible disabilities and have made it a priority to not let that be a negative or to let it stand in the way of achieving their creative and life goals.

Join us for a very insightful conversation from two artists who have done a ton of hard work and have a wealth of experience that we want them to share with you. Artists presentations will be followed with a Q&A period .

ASL and Closed Captions will be provided.

This workshop will be presented on Zoom

FREE for Kickstart Members (membership will be confirmed upon registration*)

$10 for the general public OR purchase a membership to access other workshops in 2021 for Free!

About Our Presenters

Anne Turner

Anne Turner is an artist, mentor, and an author, with a keen sociological eye and a wealth of personal experience. Anne Lives on Vancouver Island.

I work in acrylic paints, chalk and oil pastels and love to do collages. I find the soothing aspect of art combined with use of traditional and alternative music helps to keep my Mental Health issues in check.

My favourite artists include Emily Carr, Vincent Van Gogh, Edvard Munch, Jackson Pollock and Tom Thomson and other members of the Canadian Group of Seven.

My fascination with art began with visits to the Victoria Art Gallery. I moved to Ottawa in 1965 I progressed to weekly visits to the National Art Gallery where I attended many workshops and Art openings.

School was difficult for me due to undiagnosed learning disabilities and having ADD, both were not diagnosed until I was in my late 30’s.

Began working in ECE centres in Victoria, Ottawa and in Vancouver as I wanted to work with children, a life long interest. Began ECE program at Douglas College in New Westminster. Recognized for my interpretation of children’s art work and got very high marks in that course. Discontinued program due to mental health issues.

Graduated with a BA from Vancouver Island University with a Major in History and a Minor in Sociology with Honours in 2012, It took me 10 years to complete this degree.

Completed a Master’s Degree through Athabasca University with Cultural Studies as my main focus area.  My Master’s dissertation was on Accessibility and Accommodations for Persons with Disability.

I have done many workshops and speaking engagements in both Parksville, and Nanaimo on Mental Health and art related subjects. I have taken part in many interviews on radio and television about Mental Health and disability issues.

I have taken part in an Art therapy program in Parksville and went on to teach an art class to my peers at Psycho-Social-Rehab program on various artists and art subjects.

Lisa Anita Wegner

Image Description: Lisa Anita Wegner’s self-portrait “Madonna of Debris: Junk Drawer Icon” is shot from above, we see Lisa, a caucasian human with long dark brown hair fanned out like a halo, dotted with ear plugs, a bottle of nail polish, painting tape and other random detritus. The photo was featured in The Globe and Mail

 I am a MAD and disabled public artist and a storyteller. My passion is to create immersive multi-sensory universes in which to play, and to invite the audience into them with me so that I can share the overriding theme of my art, which is liberation through dreaming. My work encompasses films, large-scale art installations, live performances, and social experiments. Recently, I have expanded into running performance & consultation workshops, and sharing my artistic journey with others through speaking engagements. With Mighty Brave Productions and haus of dada I am currently an artist in residence with The City of Toronto working in partnership with ArtworxTO and Tangled Art + Disability.  

Should you require accommodations that are not listed above please contact Kickstart directly.

Questions, Comments, Concerns? Email us at [email protected]

*Please Note: due to limited capacity, if you are not a current member and have reserved a Free space, your registration will be cancelled. Purchase of membership at time of reserving your space is an option.

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