Geoff McMurchy Artist Development Grant

*2021 Applications Now CLOSED*

Geoff McMurchy (1955–2015), Kickstarts founding Artistic Director, was a pioneer in the local and international disability arts community. Anyone who knew him will tell you that he was an amazing Artist, and a trailblazer in the disability arts and culture community, who influenced a huge number of people.  

Geoff’s dream was that disability art be considered on the same level as all art. “My interest is that the art that is presented should not be through the filter of ‘disability’; I would like it to be appreciated as art, and you don’t have to like it,” he once said.

Kickstart wants to keep Geoff’s voice and spirit alive by announcing the first annual Geoff McMurchy Artists Development Grant!
The grant will be given annually to an Artist that identifies as living with a disability, working in any media, to support them directly with marketing and financial support.
The grant recipient will receive:
o   $650 cash award for artistic related costs*;
o   $250 Gift Card to OPUS Art Supply
o   A one year Membership to Kickstart
o   One meeting with an Artist or Mentor working in the recipients field;
o   500 full colour customized marketing postcards;
o   250 full colour business cards with braille

*NOTE: Donations and a portion of sales from TIME-LAPSE: POSTHUMOUS CONVERSATIONS – A GEOFF MCMURCHY RETROSPECTIVE will go towards the cash award portion of this grant. The exhibition is now open until January 23rd 2021. An announcement will be made regarding the final total cash award in February 2021*


– Must be a resident of British Columbia.
– Must identify as living with a disability (self-identification is acceptable)

How To Apply

Your application must include the following information:
1.     Name / and legal name if different

2.     Complete mailing address

3.     Contact information: phone and email

4.     Website and Social Media links (if applicable)

5.     Resume (2 pages max.)

6.     Personal biography (1 page max.)

7.     A sample of your Artistic Practice
Visual Artist: up to 6 images of your works
Performance Artist / Musician: up to 6 short video or audio clip
Literary Arts: up to 6 short samples of your writing
Other: if the above categories to not apply to your artistic practice, please include up to 6 examples of your practice in your preferred format

Answer All Three of the Following Questions:
9.     Describe your art and your artistic practice. (500 words max.)
10.  How will you benefit from receiving this grant? (500 words max.)
11.  How will you use the financial award? (250 words max.)

We kindly request all applications be submitted as an email attachment in PDF file format.

Applications Due: APRIL 1st, 2021

How To Submit Your Application:
Via email: [email protected] with “Geoff McMurchy Grant Application” in the subject line
Via Mail: Kickstart Disability Arts and Culture, PO Box 2749 Station Terminal, Vancouver, BC, V6B 3X2

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

If you need questions or need assistance in completing this grant application, please contact us at [email protected] or 604-343-9141